Welcome to our institution to widen your perspectives on neurosurgery!
We have a significant number of neurosurgical cases in the region, such as tumor removal, skull base surgery, microvascular decompression, cerebrovascular surgery, including aneurysm clipping & coiling and bypass surgery, endovascular and endoscopic procedures, and Gamma Knife surgery. We accept trainee neurosurgeons from abroad under official permission to join our clinical practices.

脳神経外科医 採用・研修案内はこちら
Skull Base Surgery
Various skull-base approaches for skull-base lesions are performed as well as a keyhole approach for microvascular decompression. The renowned pioneer of this field, Prof. Takanori Fukushima, Duke University, periodically visits our institution to teach the essence of the surgeries. Trainees can join surgeries from diagnosis to operative procedures in this field.
Microvascular Decompression
Learning the knowledge and operative techniques in a high-volume center is significantly efficient for becoming an expert in this field. A performing neurosurgeon is expected to provide the best result from MVD, as the surgical outcomes are distinctly obvious right after the procedure. Preoperative planning and meticulous microsurgical skills are crucial for a successful surgery. A trainee can learn the diagnostic procedure and precise preoperative planning, and microsurgical techniques.
Aneurysm Clipping and Coiling
Our hospital accepts regional emergency cases. Surgery for stroke is the most demanding treatment for managing emergency cases. Clipping and coiling for ruptured aneurysms, as well as unruptured ones, are routinely performed. Some unruptured aneurysms are clipped through keyhole approaches.
CEA and EC-IC Bypass Surgery
Carotid artery stenosis is a significant issue in occlusive cerebrovascular diseases. We manage carotid artery stenosis with a scientific approach. Trainees can learn both CEA and EC-IC bypass surgical methods to treat this condition. A renowned neurosurgeon in this region, Prof. Kenichiro Kikuta, Fukui University, joins our program.
Neuro-Endoscopy and Endovascular Surgery
Neuro-endoscopy is mainly used in managing pituitary adenomas and evacuation of intracerebral hematomas. Endovascular surgery is applied for many cases of aneurysm and carotid artery stenosis. Trainees can join these surgeries with advanced endoscopic techniques and endovascular treatment.
Gamma Knife Surgery
We are the sole institution providing stereotactic radiosurgery in this region. Metastatic tumors, vestibular schwannomas, meningiomas, and AVMs are the treatment targets. Trainees can learn the dose-planning of Gamma Knife Surgery and therapeutic strategies combined with direct open surgeries under a long perspective.
Academic Activities
Trainees are encouraged to engage in academic work in combination with clinical training. All staff in the department are eager to support trainees in publishing their papers and presenting their work in neurosurgical meetings or conferences.
International Collaboration with National Brain Center Hospital, Jakarta, Indonesia
We are collaborating with the largest neurosurgical institution in Indonesia in developing surgical skills and academic activities for young neurosurgeons. The center performs more than 2,000 cases annually, including brain tumor, cerebrovascular, spinal and functional surgeries. The upcoming doctor exchange program will enhance our collaboration.

Visa processing support and accommodations are available for the applicants.
Please send your application with your CV to our contact email.
Advanced Neurosurgical Training Program
Course Director
Takuro Inoue, MD, PhD